Seek a hilly terrain, or a cluster of minable Resources, and plan your Industrial Zone next to them. In Civilization VI, Production is even more important because city size is limited by Housing in early to mid game and as a result the importance of Food is greatly reduced compared to Civilization V.ĭue to the prevalence of adjacency bonuses, it is important to surround your Industrial Zones with Mines and Quarries (with exception of Germany). As with previous installments, Production is the basis for war potential, for city development, for wonder building and for space race-just about everything. And Production is the most important resource in Civilization VI. Its adjacency bonus is easy to activate (there are tons of opportunities to build Mines and Quarries in the game), and is an important source of Production early to mid game. The Industrial Zone is one of the most important districts, maybe even the most important one. When completed, it removes the Nuclear Power Plant and all of its effects from this city, and grants score towards the Climate Accords.

Carbon Recapture: Available after discovering Global Warming Mitigation.Once completed, it resets the age of the plant's nuclear reactor to 0, decreasing the likelihood of Nuclear Accidents. Recommission Nuclear Reactor: Nuclear Power Plant required to undertake this project.Convert to Nuclear Power: Once completed, it decommissions the district's current Power Plant and replaces it with a Nuclear Power Plant.Convert to Oil Power: Once completed, it decommissions the district's current Power Plant and replaces it with an Oil Power Plant.Convert to Coal Power: Once completed, it decommissions the district's current Power Plant and replaces it with a Coal Power Plant.
City receives full Power Great Engineer points at completion. Industrial Zone Logistics: Earns Gold equal to 15% of Production used and Great Engineer points.The following buildings can be constructed in an Industrial Zone: Culture Bomb adjacent tiles with Great Engineer Mimar Sinan activated,.Minor bonus (+½ Production) for each adjacent district tile, Mine or Lumber Mill.Standard bonus (+1 Production) for each adjacent Strategic Resource and Quarry.

Major bonus (+2 Production) for each adjacent Aqueduct, Dam or Canal.( only) Culture Bomb adjacent tiles with Great Engineer Mimar Sinan activated,.Production from Factory and Power Plant buildings extends to cities whose City Centers are within 6 tiles of this district.Minor bonus (+½ Production) for each adjacent district tile.Standard bonus (+1 Production) for each adjacent Mine or a Quarry.